I think what's missing the most in AVNs are characters who just aren't interested in the MC for whatever reason and never will be.
Nobody said:
I think what's missing in First-Person Shooters are fully fleshed-out buildings the player can enter, where there aren't any enemy combatants.
Surely, women
exist in these settings that aren't attracted to the MC. But the game doesn't focus on them. They fade into the background with all the nameless, faceless NPCs that never appear on-screen and have, at most, one or two lines of dialogue while a generic crowd of people bustles past. Because
why on Earth would a developer spend a lot of time and effort designing a character, from aesthetics to motivations to backstory to dialogue and choices,
whose only purpose is to blandly avert the core expectations of the genre?

It would kinda work in an NTR game. It would probably land pretty hard, actually. Hell, make that the twist! You jump through all these hoops for these LIs all throughout the whole game, and you never get any of them!
But outside of that context, when I really put my Developer Hat all the way on,
it's like you're asking me for dead air.
Realism in video games is generally only beneficial when it serves the design goals of the game.
Sorry. I'm not trying to be offensive, just pithy. It suddenly clicked in my brain why this is a bad idea, and I've discovered that my feelings about it are actually stronger than I expected.
Anyway, if Milfy City released its final update
tomorrow, and it capped off all the unfinished routes with "sorry I was just being polite I'm not that into you," I suspect you'd find it
funny, but not especially well-written. Clearly execution matters to you. And devs like me surely can't deliver on that if we can't even figure out what it brings to the table in the first place.
I suppose the takeaway is, thank goodness devs like Mortze exist. Not all of us can do what Mortze